International Messengers currently serves in these European countries:
Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine

Goals for IM's European Ministries

  • To continually evaluate ways to personally serve the European church in the areas of evangelism, discipleship & encouragement, and when feasible, by utilizing lay people from the North American church.
  • To assist the European church in evangelism & discipleship.
  • To identify national pastors or ministries who have a heart for evangelism & discipleship 
    • Look for ways to come alongside them and encourage them in their ministry.
    • Seek opportunities to offer them IM short-term ministries to support their work, (i.e. English Camps, Discipleship Camps, Women's Conferences, Basketball Camps, Ski Camps, Family Camps, Professional English Camps, etc.)
  • To purposefully invite & train national lay people to be involved in the camps and in the follow-up after the camps, with an emphasis on training them in relational evangelism & one-to-one discipleship.
  • To work towards very controlled recruitment for the evangelistic camps so that follow-up is assured.
  • To assemble information on the locations of other ministries and "able"churches within the country who can assist us in the follow-up of evangelistic outreaches.
  • To draw as many nationals as possible into a concerted prayer effort prior to any evangelistic or discipling ministries that we conduct.
  • To model the "One Another" principles as a staff in the countries where we serve.
  • To involve North American pastors and lay people in meaningful front-line ministry to serve the Eastern European church.
  • To attempt to maximize the impact of serving as short-term missionaries on the lay people's lives that we send into Europe.
  • To continually evaluate ways to maximize the impact of returning short-term missionaries on their local churches.
  • To broaden the vision for & understanding of missions in the North American church.
  • To pray for & play a part in the revival of the European and North American church.
  • To challenge the North American church to pray for and send both short-term and career workers into the harvest fields in Europe.
  • To provide encouragement, support & care for our staff so they can flourish in their walk with God and their ministries in Europe & North America.

IM's Goals for European Ministries (Download PDF)