Since the late 80's the main ministry of International Messengers (IM) in the countries of the former Communist Block has been Evangelistic English Language Camps (EELCs). God has used the camps to bring many people to Himself. However, many of these new believers have no chance of attending a solid Bible-teaching church. There simply aren't any in their area. They continue to come to the camps, some as many as six and eight times, looking for encouragement in their faith. Because of the evangelistic nature of the English camps, they are not offered much spiritual "meat" there. It became apparent to our staff that the camp concept would also work to provide Biblical teaching and great worship for these precious one.

What is a Discipleship Camp?

IM Discipleship Camps are 7-10 days in length and are staffed by North American believers and national believers who work in tandem. The daily schedule includes two hours of worship, four to six hours of small and large group Bible study, and adequate free time to allow for relationship building and "one-to-one" mentoring. Students attending range from 16-30. Sometimes they represent the youth group of a local church but often come from across the country. The first few years of this work have gone extremely well and we are now attempting to develop a second level in "Making Disciplemakers."

Who do we need?

We are looking for churches who would put together a team of 6-10 people. It works well to send a leadership board from the church or individuals that the church would like to develop as leaders. It is important the team include some couples, as modeling a Christian marriage is critical to this ministry. Team members should also include some gray hair as their experience in life is also important. This is an excellent refreshment trip for part of your pastoral staff as their teaching gifts will be utilized fully. Our most needed qualification for team members is a vital, growing relationship with the Lord, as so much of the ministry is built on personal mentoring in this camp setting.

Daily Camp Schedule

7:00 am      Team Prayer & Planning
8:00 am      Breakfast
9:00 am      Worship & Prayer
9:30 am      Small Group Session
10:45 am    Large Group Session
1:00 pm      Lunch
2:00 pm      Free Time
4:00 pm      Small Group Session
5:00 pm      Supper
6:00 pm      Large Group Session
7:30 pm      Worship & Special Event


Camps are normally held throughout July and August and during the Christmas and Easter breaks. Trips last between 10 and 14 days.