Quotes from Short-Termers
"The main benefit was in the area of building relationships as opposed to being on a short-term mission and engaged in construction. I learned how to give a good testimony. You guys have great training material for anyone going on a first time trip." Jim – Ukraine
“I have learned to trust God with all the little things and big things. I have found Him completely trustworthy. I feel so safe with Him. I always want to do things God's way, because I know that that is where the real joy of life is.” — Kathryn – Romania
“It was a great opportunity to put self aside for a period and learn to 'decrease, that Christ might increase.'" — Robert – Poland
“Family English Camp has renewed my hope for the people in my life who have not yet put their trust in Jesus. The camp continues year after year to invest in non-believers and to share the Good News with love--some say yes to Jesus the first year, some the 8th year, and some never do. I never know who in my life will put their trust in Jesus the next time they hear the Gospel. Just like at camp, I only need to continue inviting, continue sharing, and continue loving. I also benefited from the experience of team unity. That is the kind of unity I want to see on any team or in any church I am a part of!” Sara – Poland 2016
"Every time we go out on a missions trip we come back even more excited than the previous trip. Winning souls for the Lord is more and more exciting. We would love to go again soon." Mel & Jessie – Slovakia
"I have grown closer to God. I see God's hand in so many situations and in so many people's lives. I have since become more aware of His presence back home. I am also awed by His power, love, protection, and to what ends He will go to ensure not one of His children are 'lost'. Praising Him, not just thanking Him, but praising Him has now become part of my relationship with Jesus." Deb – Poland
“My relationship with Christ always grows because I have to be more dependent on Him as I am out of my comfort zone. He never ceases to amaze me; how each missions trip is unique and different from previous ones. And my life is always enriched with many new friendships.” — Mary, Poland
“This trip has reinforced in my heart that you can never go wrong showing someone that you care. You can never go wrong sharing a bit of Christ with someone everyday.” Todd – Romania