River of Life Video Presentation



Joshua Project World Ministries


A Message of Hope

Behold, I am telling you a mystery. We will not all die, but we will all be changed. It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever and we will be changed…Then what is written will come true. It says, 'Death has been swallowed up. It has lost the battle. Death, where is the battle you thought you were winning? Death, where is your sting?'"

How It All Began

In 1989, the Communist Party was overthrown in Romania bringing about a democratic system. As the world rejoiced in Romania’s new found freedom, humanitarian aid began to pour into Romania. This included food, clothing, and medical supplies. Among the medical supplies were blood products to be used in hospitals, clinics, and orphanages. Unfortunately, blood screening was not common practice in those days. So, even though the Romanian people had found freedom, a new enemy was sneaking its way into the lives of thousands of innocent children. This new enemy was HIV/AIDS!

In 1999, Tresha Inglis met Claudia Udrea in a tram stop in Timisoara, Romania. After a very short discussion, Tresha and Claudia began ministering to HIV/AIDS infected children in two infectious disease hospitals. The conditions of the hospitals were deplorable and supplies limited to the rich. Lack of education, hope, training for staff, families, and care takers caused these children to be abused, abandoned, and left for dead. However, God had other plans and that is when The Joshua Project was born.

The Joshua Project is an extreme ministry to an extreme group of children and families with HIV/AIDS. We reach out to them in many different ways; showing them love by being their advocates, counseling the children, families, and caretakers, helping them make educated decisions, and ultimately allowing them to meet with the only one that can alleviate their pain and suffering, Jesus Christ.

Often, the Joshua Project is misunderstood; many people think that we minister to children dying with HIV/AIDS. Instead, this very special group of children is living with HIV/AIDS! Yes, many children we have had the privilege to serve have died to this world, but almost all were sure about their eternal home. Our goal is to reach each individual with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! What a message of hope and love this brings to children weighed down with sickness. With your help we can reach even more!.

Beyond the Hospital To:

  • The Day Center— A central facility where children/families can receive Christian counseling, prayer support, material support, basic medical care and much more.
  • Camp Outreach— A 10-day trip consisting of a 5-day camp full of fellowship, activities, and the Word of God. Also including, outreaches at the day center and the surround-ing communities.
  • The Dental Office—located at the Day Center, the children we serve are able to receive care at our fully-functioning dental office! After receiving dental care, counseling, bible studies, and other activities are available.
  • Church Planting— since the infected are not welcome in most churches, a local youth group has reached out to our youth at JPWM by conducting church services at the day center.
  • Open Hearts Ministry—provides clothes, food, books, medical supplies, and educational materials about HIV/AIDS to the poor, hungry, and sick.


How Can You Help?

    • Pray— Commit to praying for this ministry and all the lives that it impacts. Nothing we do in this ministry can be accomplished without prayer, “for our weapons are not of flesh and blood but against the spiritual rulers and principalities of this world….”  Be a part of the team of people that pray specifically for the many needs of this ministry.
    • Give— Every service we provide from the dental clinic, summer camp outreaches, bible studies, and more, are done so through the financial gifts of others. Provide practical help to those in need by being a part of our financial giving team. We have monthly needs as well as special projects suited for those wanting to support us financially.
    • Go—Our summer camp ministry is looking for teams to lead evangelistic or discipleship camps packed full of activities, worship, and most of all the Word of God! Take part in the transformation of those we serve as well as be transformed yourself by being a part of one of these 10-day trips.


Find out more:

Andy & Tresha McKnight c/o International Messengers Canada PO Box 11022, 1945 McCallum Rd. Abbotsford, BC Canada V2S 0E4

E-mail:  joshua1_kids@yahoo.com  –  Website