Nepal Ministries

If you would like the opportunity to participate in our Nepal ministries, you may use any of the options available below. Your gifts will be used as designated with the understanding that when the current need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, the remaining funds will be used where needed most within the ministry of International Messengers Canada.


As co-directors of IMCS's Nepal Ministries, Bruce & Verna Ratzlaff provide leadership and oversight of two distinct areas of ongoing mininstry:

1. Helpers4Learners - Prerana Education Partnership (PEP)   PEPstudents

Our Mission: “Though a paper airplane may be perfectly designed for flight… it cannot take flight until someone picks it up and launches it.” The children of the urban poor need this “someone”.

Join our team of generous “helpers”. Together we launch impoverished children in Nepal through supporting them in school and adding wholistic, non-academic life-skills education through hands-on advocacy and nurture. The specialized staff of our associate agency in Nepal (SDSS – Beautiful Gate Friends Serving), is “making school possible” for kids otherwise at risk.

PEP is a cost effective, high-touch, cohort style education program for children of the poor in Nepal. The complete strategy is described in detail at Helpers4Learners.

To join our mission and become a “helper” for our cohort of “learners” (currently 80 grades 1-12 students) choose an amount and payment method below.

All gifts to The PEP Fund are gratefully received and please note, 100% of your donation is sent to Nepal (a group of donors covers all in Canada expenses).

These statistics are available to guide your choice.

$25/month or $300/year covers the direct school expenses of one child.

$42/month or $500/year covers direct school expenses and the life skills workshops given to each student.


2. Nepal - OtherChildren

Unique projects are specifically defined through promotional campaigns. Opportunity for investment in these projects are offered to donors and funded through the "Nepal - Other" designation. 

Project Examples: Short Term Teams, Leadership Training, Disaster Relief and Beautiful Gate Foundation Church Project. 


Methods of Giving


Exact instructions will vary by participating financial institution. Once logged into your  bank account, navigate to the section for Interac e-Transfer and follow their instructions to add a recipient and send funds.

    • Recipient: "International Messengers"
  • In the e-mail box indicate: "donate @"  
  • We use auto-deposit, no password is necessary.
  • For receipting purposes, in the note box please provide your full name and address.
  • Specify the fund designation (either: "PEP Fund" or "Nepal - Other").


By Cheque


  • Make Cheque payable to International Messengers Canada.
  • mail to IMCS, PO Box 11022, 1945 McCallum Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 0E4 
  • In a note, please designate either "PEP Fund" or "Nepal - Other"
  • For receipting purposes please provide your full name and address.


Online Giving:

Americans Donate Here Now
Americans, please click on your flag and you will be taken to our sister organization in the U.S. They will receive your gift and be able to give you a valid U.S. donation receipt, and will transfer your donation to International Messengers Canada for use as per your designation to one of the above Nepal Ministries.

  • On the US "donations page", click "give online" and "give as a Guest."
  • Click "Special Gift Fund."
  • In the drop-down menu, select "Canadian Special Projects(s)".
  • Click "+ Add Optional Gift Description." and type in either "PEP Fund" or "Nepal - Other" as noted above.
  • Complete your personal information and initiate the gift as instructed.


Canadians - Give Online by Credit Card or Bank Debit

For convenience, below you can make a one-time or recurring gift online using your credit card or directly debiting your bank account. This method is safe and secure, however, if you prefer, you may call in your credit card number and give over the phone. Call 604-855-4433.


Note: If setting up a recurring monthly donation, you have two dates to choose from. The 10th or the 22nd. If you need a different date, please call the International Messengers Canada office.
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International Messengers Canada is a registered CRA charity (Registration #: 83452 6402) and a member of CCCC (Canadian Council of Christian Charities). We send end of the year tax receipts for contributions made directly to International Messengers Canada by cheque, credit card, bank debit or Interac e-Transfer.