All of the internships featured below are designed for students going to a Bible College or Christian University needing or desiring to do an internship as part of their education. Different schools require different lengths of internships. Our internships are flexible to fit the requirements and needs of your particular internship. The internship opportunities listed below are not the only ones we can offer. If you do not see an internship that interests you, please contact us to see if we can arrange for something that will suit your needs and desires. The costs listed with each internship only apply to the in-country costs once you have arrived. The other costs, like flights, visa, medical insurance, etc. will vary depending on your school requirements and location of your internship.
River of Life Ministries incorporates several different ministries together on the same campus. There are at-risk single mothers to love and encourage, there are many children to love and play with and teach. There are needy widows to care for. There will be opportunities to do outreach in the village and minister in the community churches using your gifts of teaching/preaching/music, etc. For those more physically minded there is lots of construction and maintenance work to do. We are looking for students who are flexible, with servant-hearts, able to live simply and love people. Watch video.
Approximate in-country costs per month: $995.00. This includes:
room/board, in-country travel, ministry costs, and admin fee. This does not include internatiional flights, medical insurance, visa costs or personal expenses.

Do you speak English? Then God can use you in Odessa, Ukraine. You will be led by English speaking expatriates. You will be coached on how to share the gospel and disciple unbelievers and new believers. You will have opportunities to build relationships with university students and others, teaching them conversational English in our evangelistic English schools, leading activities in English clubs, leading Bible studies, serving in the church on Sundays (Bilingual – English and Russian), and enjoying the Ukrainian culture and the Black Sea. We need students who have a passion for Jesus, His Word and the lost. We have so many amazing opportunities. Please come and help us!
Approximate in-country costs per month: $950.00 total. This includes:
room/board, in-country travel, ministry costs and admin. fee. This does not include international travel, medical insurance, visa costs or personal costs.
Friendship House in Radom, Poland offers Christ's love to the homeless and addicted. The staff regularly are out on the streets building relationships and providing basic life needs (food, clothing, friendship, first aid, counselling, etc.). Recovery meetings are routinely held at the Friendship House, modeled after the Celebrate Recovery program, with an average attendance of 60+. Counselling and assistance is provided for those who choose to enter an addiction recovery program. The Friendship House is also a half-way house for those finishing recovery programs. See report here: Friendship House Video Report.
Approximate in-country costs per month: $950.00. This includes:
room/board, in-country travel, ministry costs and admin fee. This does not include international travel, medical insurance, visa costs or personal expenses
Children's Village ministry in Pawel, Uganda. Children's village serves children coming from South Sudanese refugee camps where they have been marginalized and abused. Most have lost one or both parents to AIDS, malaria, typhoid, suicide or murder by rebels. Interns will help the house moms and teachers care for them, teach them English and pour God's hope and love into their lives through word and deed.
Approximate in-country costs per month: $750.00.
This includes room/board, in-country travel, ministry costs and admin fee. This does not include international travel, medical insurance, visa costs or personal expenses.
Youth Ministry in Jinja, Uganda. You would be staying in the missionary compound that houses a training center. You would have opportunities to do Bible Studies with the youth, build relationships with them, mentor them and encourage them. You would have opportunities to use other gifts you might have, like teaching, preaching & music. You would build relationships with children and adults, as well as the youth.
Approximate in-country costs per month: $750.00.
This includes room/board, in-country travel, ministry costs and admin fee. This does not include international travel, medical insurance, visa costs or personal expenses.